What should I look for in term insurance?


Almost all people would agree the most important part of term insurance is that their rates are guaranteed to never increase, meaning your premiums will never go up. Now, term insurance lasts for a period of time. For example, 10-year term insurance lasts 10 years. Many online policies, if you have not died within that 10-year period, you lose. You've paid all the premiums and collect no benefit. With the policies we issue, you have the option to convert your term insurance policy into a permanent policy without any additional underwriting. This allows clients to secure affordable, guaranteed coverage today, but it also shifts the power from corporations to clients.

Our clients have the contractual right to extend their coverage for as long as they want without any additional underwriting. We find people prefer when they're in charge, not big institutions. Because of that, a hundred percent of the term insurance policies that Flah & Company issues are convertible.