The Process


Trusted Advisor

We work with co-professionals in our area who see the value in our services and then refer clients to us.

Initial Project Review

We speak with our co-professionals and their referral, both together and separately, to gain insight on what the needs of the client are.


Policy Rescue | Policy Engineering | Policy Resale

We examine the client’s existing policy to determine if it still meets the needs of the client, as determined in the Discovery Process meeting.  If it does not meet the client’s current needs, we will determine if it can be saved or if it needs to be sold.  We can then develop a new insurance policy that does meet current needs.

Gathering Appropriate Information

Life Insurance | Disability Insurance | Long-Term Care
We have an in-house underwriting team that speaks to the prospect or client to get their medical history and decide what carrier is going to be the best fit for them. We base this decision on their history and will negotiate on their behalf. Our ultimate goal is to get the best possible underwriting class, otherwise known as the lowest price.

Create Customized Solutions

We have an in-house policy engineering team that builds one-off's based on clients unique facts & circumstance, laments and likes.


Present Customized Solution

We will call or meet with the prospect, client, policy owner, and/or advisor to discuss the customized solution.


We receive a decision from the client.

Execution of Decision

Our case management team executes the decision made by the client.


Ongoing Service

We monitor performance, update changes as they present themselves, and reevaluate the need of each client's policy on a regular basis.